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M6U2 Golden Days(导学案)

时间:2019-12-18    作者:    阅读:

M6U2 Golden Days(导学案)
---Summary Writing
  1. Ways to rewrite words:
同义转换 I didn't catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.
I didn't catch any fish_________ I was not patient.
词性转换 Patience is very important.
Patience is _____________________.
语态转换 Parents should give children more praise.
Children should__________more praise.
概括 Winter sports can help you burn calories , increase fitness, and strengthen muscles.
Winter sports are of benefit to your__________________.
  1. Ways to rewrite sentences:
Rewrite sentences
压缩长句 Children are given more praise. They will achieve more success.
__________more praise,children will achieve more success.
1.You will fail.     You will ____________.
2. Health is the most important thing in life.
__________is more important than health in life.
词序调整 The secret of success was patience.
________ was_________________
细节省略 Don’t always scold and give lots of praise instead.
异句同义 Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular.
2.Rewrite the topic sentences.
3. Formal passage(正文)书写规范整洁, 不涂改;平齐底线写;单词间距一个字母。
  • complete contents (5’)
  • correct expressions (5’)
  • proper linking words (5’)
  • your own words (5’)
  • beautiful handwriting (5’)
( about 60 words)

78bd83729869c2d95479b58907ad6fe4.doc (38.50 KB)

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