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M6U2 Golden Days(教案)

时间:2019-12-18    作者:    阅读:

M6U2 Golden Days(教案)

---Summary Writing

Teaching Aims

Ss are able to find the structure and topic sentences of the passage.

Ss will understand how to rewrite key information in their own words.

Ss will know how to make comments on a summary.

Ss are to understand the true meaning and ways of happiness.

Teaching key points:

How to rewrite key information in their own words.

Teaching methods:

 Task-based teaching method; Group work.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Lead-in

Listen to the song Yesterday Once More, and find the singer’s happiest time and thing.

Show some pictures of happiness in different periods.

Invite Ss to predict the old’s happiness.

Step 2. Reading

Before reading: Predict the passage through the tile and picture.

Title: Golden Days     happiest time

Picture: An old man

An old man will look back on his happiest time.

While reading: Find the key words and structure of the passage.

1The writer’s happiest time: school days

2Reasons: no worries and a good health

School days




3 Structure:

no worries

good health

happiest time







Group work: find the topic sentence of each paragraph.

  Para1. I think those golden days at school were the happiest of my life.

  Para2. I didn’t have any worries in life.

Para3. Good health is an important part of happiness.

  Para4. I think that was the happiest time in my life.




Step 3. Rewrite key information

Watch a Micro-lesson: learn about the ways to rewrite sentences.







I didn't catch any fish owing to the fact that I was not patient.

I didn't catch any fish because I was not patient.


Patience is very important.   

Patience is of great importance.


Parents should give children more praise.

Children should be given more praise.


Winter sports can help you burn calories , increase fitness, and strengthen muscles.

Winter sports are of benefit to your physical health.





Rewrite sentences


Children are given more praise. They will achieve more success.

Given more praise,children will achieve more success.


1.You will fail.     You will not succeed.

2. Health is the most important thing in life.

Nothing is more important than health in life.


The secret of success was patience.

Patience was the secret of success.


Don’t always scold and give lots of praise instead.

Don’t always scold and give lots of praise instead.


Shopping on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular.

More and more people prefer Internet shopping.


Play a game to practice rewriting skills.

(1)I will remember the happiest time.(正话反说)_____________________________

(2)Time is valuable.(词性转换)_________________________________________

(3)Tom is the best student in the class. (词序调整)_____________________________

(4)The story touched me. (语态转换)____________________________________

(5)I go through my diary. I recall many wonderful memories.(压缩长句)


Group work: rewrite the topic sentences.

Present ss’ sentences and make comments.


Step 4. Summary writing

Show ss’ the criteria(评分标准) of a good summary.

complete contents  (2)correct expressions  (3)proper linking words

(4)your own words    (5) beautiful handwriting ( about 60 words)

2. Write the summary in 5 minutes.

Step 5. Presentation

Invite one student to show his summary and another to make comments.

Step 6. Words sharing

Step 7. Homework

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