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2. 如何写求助信的结尾

时间:2020-06-05    作者:    阅读:

2. 如何写求助信的结尾
1) I would be very grateful if you couldhelp me.I would appreciate it if you could dome a favor.如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激。
2) I’d appreciate it if you can take myrequest into account/ consideration.  如果你能考虑我的请求,我将不胜感激。
3) Look forward to your early reply, thankyou for your help sincerely. 期待你的早日回复,真诚感谢你的帮助。
4) I firmly believe that I can get throughall the hard time with the help of you. So I’m so eager to get reply from you. 我坚信在你的帮助下,我一定能度过所有困难,所以我是如此渴望收到你的回复。
5) Thankyou for your busy schedule to read my letter . I would appreciate it if yougive me some help.  感谢你繁忙之中读我的信。如果你能给我一些帮助我将不胜感激。
6) Facedwith the above problem, I’m anxious to get your help.  面对以上困难,我急切希望得到你的帮助。 

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