
l've always felt you learn more from disappointment than you do from success. 比起成功,我从失望中学到的东西更多。 |
How wonderful life is while you're in the world. 这个世界因你而美好。 |
I figured we can do something a lot bigger together. 我想我们可以一起做一些大事业。 |
You need to make yourself indispensable. 你需要让自己成为不可替代的人。 |
lf we're kind and polite, the world will be right. 如果我们心怀善意并且礼貌待人,世界将会很美好。 |
Life is a gift. We must celebrate it. 生活就是一份赠礼,每一天都值得我们庆祝。 |
To be alive is to be happy. 人活着,开心最重要。 |
It's what you do right now that makes a difference. 改变现状,从当下开始。 |
You may be out, but you never lose the attitude. 人可以受挫,但精神不可以倒下。 |
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